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Standard benchmarks for EM

Armed with an understanding of the CoreMark ⇒ EM•Mark transformation, you'll further appreciate the significance of the EM benchmarks presented below. While CoreMark focuses heavily on measuring CPU performance, EM•Mark takes a more balanced approach that also considers program image size, active power consumption, and overall energy efficiency.

With an emphasis on maximizing execution time, CoreMark programs overwhelmingly employ the most aggressive "optimize-for-speed" options when compiling the benchmark sources for a particular MCU – resulting in excessively large program images.

By way of contrast, EM•Mark starts from the premise that minimizing program size when targeting resource-constrained MCUs trumps other performance factors.  Said another way, most embedded firmware developers in practice will usually choose the most aggressive "optimize-for-size" option when compiling their code.

Texas Instruments reports a score of 2.1 CoreMarks / MHz for their CC2340R5 wireless MCU, which features a 48 MHz Cortex-M0+ CPU.  TI used the IAR C/C++ compiler [ v9.32.2 ] to generate an ~18 K program image, optimized for high-speed with no size constraints.

The legacy CoreMark results we'll report below used TI's LLVM-based Arm compiler [ v2.1.3 ] with its "optimize-for-size" [ -Oz ] option. To satisfy our curiousity, building the same Core­Mark program using the compiler's "optimize-for-speed" [ -Os ] option yielded comparable results to those reported with IAR. (1)

  1. We'll leave adding GCC into the mix as an exercise for the reader; suffice it to say the GCC does not  win the race !!

All of the EM•Mark results reported below use the  ti.cc23xx distro bundle delivered with the EM-SDK plus the following pair of Setups when building program images: (1)

  1. Here, too, we'll leave experimentation with GCC-based Setups available for this target hardware as an extra-credit project.
ti.cc23xx/segger CLANG / LLVM 14.0, optimized for space, code + consts in Flash
ti.cc23xx/segger_sram CLANG / LLVM 14.0, optimized for space, code + consts in SRAM

TBD – open for suggestions

TBD – open for suggestions

Program size

Much like the legacy CoreMark C code, the ActiveRunnerP EM program performs multiple iterations of the benchmark algorithms and displays results when finished:

package em.coremark

from em$distro import BoardC
from BoardC import AppLed

from em.mcu import Common

import CoreBench
import Utils

module ActiveRunnerP

    config ITERATIONS: uint16 = 10


def em$startup()

def em$run()
    for auto i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++
    auto usecs = Common.UsCounter.stop()
    printf "usecs = %d\n", usecs
    printf "list crc = %04x\n", Utils.getCrc(Utils.Kind.LIST)
    printf "matrix crc = %04x\n", Utils.getCrc(Utils.Kind.MATRIX)
    printf "state crc = %04x\n", Utils.getCrc(Utils.Kind.STATE)
    printf "final crc = %04x\n", Utils.getCrc(Utils.Kind.FINAL)

Recalling the central role played by the CoreBench module in the EM•Mark high-level design, the implementation of its setup and run functions dominate the code / data sizes of the ActiveRunnerP program image:

Image info
EM•Mark Image Size

By way of comparison, the legacy CoreMark program built with TI's compiler weighs in with the following image size:

text (8798) const (3777) data (286) bss (2372)

CoreMark Image Size

TBD – open for suggestions

TBD – open for suggestions

Execution time

We've used a Saleae Logic Analyzer to capture logic traces of the legacy CoreMark and ActiveRunnerP programs executing ten iterations of the benchmark. To help measure execution time, both programs blink appLed for 250 ms before / after the main benchmark loop:

Image info
Legacy Logic Capture – Flash

Image info
ActiveRunnerP Logic Capture – Flash

Image info
ActiveRunnerP Logic Capture – SRAM

CoreMark text + const [ Flash ] 176 ms
EM•Mark text + const [ Flash ] 151 ms
EM•Mark text + const [ SRAM ] 124 ms

Execution Time – Summary

TBD – open for suggestions

TBD – open for suggestions

Active power

We've used a Joulescope JS220 to capture power profiles of legacy CoreMark and ActiveRunnerP executing ten iterations of the benchmark. To help measure power consumption, both programs blink appLed for 250 ms before / after the main benchmark loop:

Image info
Legacy Power Capture – Flash

Image info
ActiveRunnerP Power Capture – Flash

Image info
ActiveRunnerP Power Capture – SRAM

CoreMark text + const [ Flash ] 1.368 mJ
EM•Mark text + const [ Flash ] 1.034 mJ
EM•Mark text + const [ SRAM ] 0.634 mJ

Active Power – Summary

TBD – open for suggestions

TBD – open for suggestions

Energy efficiency

Applications targeting resource-constrained (ultra-low-power) MCUs often spend most of their time in deep-sleep – awakening at rates from once-per-second down to once-per-day, and actively executing for time windows measured in just milliseconds.

The CPU-centric nature of legacy CoreMark (and hence ActiveRunnerP) doesn't necessarily reflect "real-world" duty-cycled applications targeting ULP MCUs, where maximizing energy efficiency becomes paramount.

ULPMark® benchmark suite

In addition to legacy CoreMark, the EEMBC organization offers ULPMark – a benchmark suite that quantifies many aspects of ultra-low-power MCUs. One of the profiles in the suite in fact measures active power consumption, using CoreMark as the workload; other profiles quantify the true energy cost of deep-sleep.

Unlike CoreMark, however, ULPMark requires a paid license to access its source code — an obstacle for purely inquisitive engineers working with ULP MCUs.  EM•Mark attempts to fill this niche with a complementary pair of portable programs for benchmarking code size and execution time, as well as power consumption.

To that end, EM•Mark also incorporates the SleepyRunnerP program – which executes the same underlying benchmark algorithms as ActiveRunnerP, but in a very different setting:

package em.coremark

from em$distro import BoardC

from em.utils import FiberMgr
from em.utils import TickerMgr

import CoreBench

module SleepyRunnerP


    var ticker: TickerMgr.Ticker&

    var count: uint8 = 10

    function tickCb: TickerMgr.TickCallback


def em$construct()
    ticker = TickerMgr.createH()

def em$startup()

def em$run()
    ticker.start(256, tickCb)

def tickCb()
    auto crc =
    printf "crc = %04x\n", crc
    return if --count

Here too, SleepyRunnerP calls CoreBench.setup at startup; but instead of the "main loop" seen earlier in ActiveRunnerP, we now make a single  call to just once-per-second. Relying only on modules found in the em.core bundle [ FiberMgr, TickerMgr ], SleepyRunnerP can execute on any target MCU for which an em$distro package exists. (1)

  1. Review the material in Tour 12 – cyclic tickers if necessary

The following sets of Saleae logic-captures first show SleepyRunner awakening once-per-second, and then zoom-in to view the execution time of a single active cycle:

Image info
SleepRunnerP Logic Capture – SRAM

Image info
SleepRunnerP Logic Capture – SRAM [ zoom ]

TBD – open for suggestions

TBD – open for suggestions

Note that measurement M0 reflects the total active time as framed by dbgB (managed automatically by EM), whereas measurement M1 reflects the actual benchmark interval between the dbgD toggles seen earlier in SleepyRunnerP.  Also note that the latter measurement does not  include the time to format / output the "crc = 72be\n" character string.

The following sets of Joulescope power-captures report the total amount of energy consumed over a one-second interval, as well as the amount of energy consumed when the SleepyRunnerP program awakens and executes a single iteration of the benchmark:

Image info
SleepRunnerP Power Capture – SRAM

Image info
SleepRunnerP Power Capture – SRAM [ zoom ]

TBD – open for suggestions

TBD – open for suggestions

As expected, a single call to the function takes only milliseconds to execute and yet consumes most of the energy over the one-second cycle.

General observations

Improvements in EM•Mark program size and execution time compared with legacy CoreMark hopefully supports EM's claim of higher-level programming and higher-levels of performance .

Building EM•Mark with the most aggressive "optimize-for-size" options passed to the underlying C/C++ compiler reflects the reality of targeting resource-constrained MCUs.

Placing runtime code and constants into SRAM (versus Flash) not only improves execution time but also reduces active power consumption — a corrolary of optimizing for program size.

While ActiveRunnerP maintains the same focus as legacy CoreMark (inviting side-by-side comparison), the SleepyRunnerP benchmark more accurately quantifies the energy efficiency of ULP MCUs.