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Programming with EM

Turning now to the EM runtime, a series of curated "guided tours" will incrementally introduce components of the  em.core bundle – many of which you may have browsed in your reading of Introducing EM.  By convention, each tour revolves around a specific EM program found in the  em.examples.basic package – with each of these small programming examples motivating us to visit key elements of the EM runtime.

In the material that follows, we'll reference a number of logical MCU "pins" configured by the current EM distro and generally accessible through headers on your target board:

     appBut application button pin
     appLed application LED pin (usually green)
     appOut application console TX pin
     sysDbgA system debug pin A
     sysDbgB system debug pin B
     sysDbgC system debug pin C
     sysDbgD system debug pin D
     sysLed system LED pin (usually red)

A special YAML file named em-boards found the em$distro package folder binds these logical pin names to physical pin numbers of your target board. Porting EM will have more to say about em-boards, as well as explain the special setup-*.properties files located in the root of your distro bundle.

Tour 00 – guided tours

The following animation illustrates the EM - Start Tour command, which you'll use to view each of the tours described in the remainder of this document. You'll find these tours in appropriately named .emtour files, located inside the .tours/101_Using_EM folder delivered with the bundle.

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EM - Start Tour

With that, go ahead and actually take tour 00_HelloP.emtour within your VS Code environment. Before proceeding to take Tour 01 – Tour 12 , however, you should feel comfortable with the UI presented in Tour 00 ; and do retake any of these tours whenever necessary.

Tour 01 – basic blinker

This tour centers around the  BlinkerP program, which toggles the appLed pin on your target board – typically connected to a green LED. This tour also visits the  BusyWaitI and  LedI interfaces, as well as presents the  Common module and its constituent proxies.

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Tour 01 – Logic Capture

  The EM runtime quickly blinks your board's sysLed at startup.

  The BlinkerP program toggles appLed every ~0.5 s.

  The EM runtime turns on sysLed upon normal program termination.

  The next capture zooms into the appOut signal.

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Tour 01 – Logic Capture [ zoom ]

  The EM runtime outputs this sequence of (non-printable) bytes at startup, after blinking sysLed.

  The EM runtime output this single byte upon normal program termination, before turning on sysLed.

Tour 02 – real-time debug

This tour focuses upon the  BlinkerDbgP program, which also toggles the appLed pin on your target board. This tour highlights a number of capabilities within EM for visualizing and troubleshooting program execution in real-time.

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Tour 02 – Logic Capture

  The busy-wait bracketed by %%[d+] and %%[d-] measures ~498 ms.

  Executing a fail statement causes sysLed to blink rapidly.

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Tour 02 – Logic Capture [ zoom ]

  The %%[>cnt] statement outputs the (non-printable) 0x82 control byte followed by 2 bytes of payload.

  The %%[>bits11] statement outputs the (non-printable) 0x81 control byte followed by 1 byte of payload.

  The %%[c:bits11] statement causes the dbgC pin to rapidly toggle 2 times – since (bits11 == 0x1)

  The ASCII character output of printf begins here – 0x63('c'), 0x6E('n'), and so on.

Tour 03 – threading with fibers

This tour centers around the  FiberP program, which introduces a very lightweight threading construct termed a fiber. This tour also visits the EM runtime's (portable) implementation of fibers found in the  FiberMgr module.

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Tour 03 – Logic Capture

  The %%[d] statement in blinkFB marks each point in time where the blinkF fiber begins execution.

  The ~200 ms between blinkF cycles includes appLed on / off time plus FiberMgr dispatch overhead.

Tour 04 – button handlers

This tour centers around the  Button1P program, which handles incoming events generated when pressing appBut on your board. This tour also visits the  GpioEdgeDetectMinI interface that in turn extends the  GpioI abstraction.

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Tour 04 – Logic Capture

  The EM runtime uses dbgB to mirror the MCU's execution mode [ L – actively running, H – awaiting wakeup ]

  Pressing your board's button drives the appBut pin low; appLed then blinks shortly thereafter.

  A 125 ns "glitch" on the appBut signal fired another event at this time – causing an extra appLed blink.

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Tour 04 – Logic Capture [ zoom ]

  You've pressed appBut at this time, which then begins awakening the MCU from its low-power sleep.

  Requiring 34.2 μs to fully power the MCU, dbgB's falling edge marks when Button1P starts actively running.

  Control enters handler within 3.4 μs, whose initial %%[c] statement toggles dbgC for 1.2 μs

  After some housekeeping, Button1P finally turns-on appLed – 5.9 μs since actively running.

Tour 05 – button fibers

This tour centers around the  Button2P program, which uses a Fiber object to better handle incoming events. This tour also analyzes the performance impact of this approach compared with the earlier  Button1P program.

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Tour 05 – Logic Capture

  dbgB shows that Button2P awoke exactly twice in response to pressing appBut – no glitches this time !!!

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Tour 05 – Logic Capture [ zoom ]

  Button2P resumes execution in 35.2 μs; keep in mind that low-power MCU wakeup times can vary slightly.

  Control then enters handler 3.4 μs later – consistent with the Button1P capture seen above.

  Unlike Button1P, the Button2P handler readies the blinkF fiber which then gains control 5.3 μs later.

  Finally, the blinkFB function turns-on appLed – with only ~5 μs of FiberMgr scheduling overhead.

Tour 06 – button objects

This tour centers around the  Button3P program, which debounces button input signals in a portable fashion. This tour also visits the  ButtonI interface along with a module implementing this interface – the latter generated by the  ButtonT template at build-time.

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Tour 06 – Logic Capture

  Once triggered by pressing your board's button, the EM runtime polls the state of appBut every 100 ms.

  If pressed for ≥ 100 ms but ≤ 4 s, Button3P will blink appLed within 100 ms of releasing the button.

  Hitting the 4 s mark, Button3P immediately blinks sysLed– regardless of how long appBut remains low.

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Tour 06 – Logic Capture [ zoom ]

  After polling appBut for 4 s, the EM runtime invokes Button3P.onPressedCB which leaves a %%[c] mark.

  Discovering that appBut remains pressed [ = L ], onPressedCB then blinks sysLed for 40 ms.

  Only 7.5 μs elapses from dbgB falling to sysLed rising, which includes scheduling fibers plus 1.2 μs for %%[c].

Tour 07 – timer handlers

This tour centers around the  OneShot1P program, which handles timer events that awaken the MCU. This tour also visits the  OneShotMilliI interface, which abstracts the functionality of a short-term timer with millisecond resolution.

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Tour 07 – Logic Capture

  The dbgB signal shows that OneShot1P awakens from low-power sleep every 500 ms.

  Once awake, OneShot1P toggles dbgC and dbgD before blinking appLed – like our earlier Button1P capture

  The 7.5 μs "wakeup-to-blink" latency seen here includes the overhead of servicing an on-chip MCU timer.

Tour 08 – timer fibers

This tour centers around the  OneShot2P program, which now uses Fiber objects to enhance robustness when handing timer events. This tour also invites performance comparision with the earlier  OneShot1P program.

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Tour 08 – Logic Capture

  Fiber scheduling adds the extra 1.1 μs of latency seen here, compared with our previous OneShot1P capture.

Tour 09 – timer service

This tour centers around the  PollerP program, which introduces a portable function for pausing execution at run-time. This tour also visits the top-level  Poller module as well as the lower-level  PollerAux module – both implementing the  PollerI interface.

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Tour 09 – Logic Capture

  Without %%[c] and %%[d] marks, PollerP further reduces latency compared to OneShot1P and OneShot2P.

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Tour 09 – Logic Capture [ zoom ]

  The [L] dbgB signal indicates that the PollerP program has awoken.

  PollerP then calls AppLed.wink within 2.5 μs, which then asserts the appLed pin

  Calling AppLed.wink 2.5 μs later asserts the appLed pin and then internally invokes Poller.pause.

  Poller.pause proceeds to suspend program execution for 5 ms – the duration of the wink.

  The EM runtime toggles dbgB once before awaiting the next wakeup [H] ; we'll explain more in a later tour.

  An MCU timer event will eventually awaken the program 5 ms later, with dbgB now signalling [L] .

  Control unwinds from Poller.pause back to AppLed.wink, which will now lower the appLed pin.

  em$run finally regains control, and then suspends execution for 500 ms by calling Poller.pause directly.

Tour 10 – wakeup alarms

This tour centers around the  Alarm1P program, which uses Alarm objects to schedule longer-term wakeups with (sub-)second resolution. This tour also visits the  AlarmMgr module, which internally uses a proxy implementing the  WakeupTimerI interface.

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Tour 10 – Logic Capture

  The Alarm1P program alternately awakens from a low-power deep-sleep of 2 s or else 750 ms in duration.

  The program's blinkFB function winks appLed for 100 ms, with the MCU idling in the interim.

  Once AppLed.wink returns, Alarm1P calls alarm.wakeup to re-enter an extended period of deep-sleep.

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Tour 10 – Logic Capture [ zoom ]

  The single dbgB mark indicates the MCU has entered its "lite-sleep" mode, after Alarm1P calls AppLed.wink

  The MCU awakens from its lite-sleep within 100 ms, returning to wink which then turns-off appLed.

  The double dbgB mark indicates the MCU has entered its "deep-sleep" mode, after calling alarm.wakeup

Tour 11 – aligned wakeups

This tour centers around the  Alarm2P program, which now aligns Alarm wakeups with a given time-window. This tour also re-visits the  AlarmMgr implementation, seeing how it schedules the next wakeup event as well as the role played by the  EpochTime module.

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Tour 11 – Logic Capture

  Note how the wakeups from deep-sleep align with a series of 1.5 s windows along the time-line.

  Due to startup overhead, the first alarm.wakeup call deep-sleeps the MCU for only 1.250 s to stay aligned.

  After a 5 ms appLed wink, this alarm.wakeup call deep-sleeps the MCU for 1.495 s to stay aligned.

  But after a 100 ms wink, this alarm.wakeup call deep-sleeps the MCU for just 1.400 s to stay aligned.

Tour 12 – cyclic tickers

This tour centers around the  TickerP program, which takes duty-cycled functions to a higher level. This tour also visits the  TickerMgr module, whose implementation of Ticker objects emulates as well as builds upon the  AlarmMgr and  FiberMgr studied earlier.

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Tour 12 – Logic Capture

  The appTicker.start call by the TickerP program initiates a train of 100 ms appLed winks, spaced 1 s apart.

  The sysTicker.start call by TickerP then initiates a train of 100 ms sydLed winks, but spaced 1.5 s apart.

  When appTicker and sysTicker wakeups coincide, their callbacks run on a first-come, first-served basis.