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unit ListManagerI

package em.utils

#! Implemented by a List Manager module
#! Element and List declarations.

interface ListManagerI 

    type Element: opaque 

        #! Target and Host function to initialize an Element
        function init()
        host function initH()

        #! Returns non-null if the Element is currently a member of a List
        function isActive(): uarg_t

    type List: opaque 

        #! Target and Host function to initialize a List
        function init()
        host function initH()

        #! Adds an element to the List as defined by the List Manager
        function add(elem: Element&)

        #! Returns a reference to an Element and removes it from the List
        function get(): ref_t

        #! Returns a reference to the Element at the specified index
        function getAt(index: uint8): ref_t

        #! Returns a reference to the next Element from the specified Element
        function getNext(elem: Element&): ref_t

        #! Returns a non-zero value if the List is not empty
        function hasElements(): uarg_t

        #! Displays information about the List
        function print()

        #! Removes the specified Element from the List
        function remove(elem: Element&)