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Controlling EM Builder from the shell

Under Construction — estimated completion in 1Q24   🗓

The EM Builder extension first encountered when installing and using EM includes a command-line tool named em-cli which you can invoke from the shell – either within a VS Code TERMINAL panel or else from any console outside of the IDE.

The em-cli tool will reside at the root of the special ~/em-sdk folder created automatically by EM Builder when first installing EM.  To simplify use, add the ~/em-sdk folder to your PATH or else create an alias for the ~/em-sdk/em-cli command.

      [~/em-sdk] em-cli

    Usage: em-cli [options] [command]

      -V, --version       output the version number
      -b, --bundle <dir>  Bundle directory (default: ".")
      -h, --help          display help for command

      build [options]     build a unit
      clean               clean a bundle
      export [options]    export a bundle
      grammar [options]   generate syntax diagrams
      markdown [options]  generate markdown for a bundle
      sdk [options]       manage em-sdk artifacts
      setups              list all setups in the workspace
      show                show bundle information
      help [command]      display help for command

em-cli build

      [~/em-sdk] em-cli build --help

    Usage: em-cli build [options]

    build a unit

      -i --incremental                        build without cleaning (default: false)
      -l --load                               load after build (default: false)
      -C --config-default <config-init...>    override default values for config params
      -D --define-property <property-def...>  define global bundle properties
      -S --setup-properties <setup-name>      add definitions '<setup-name>'
      -u --unit <qualified-name>              <package-name>/<unit-name>
      -h, --help                              display help for command

em-cli clean

      [~/em-sdk] em-cli clean --help

    Usage: em-cli clean [options]

    clean a bundle

      -h, --help  display help for command

em-cli export

      [~/em-sdk] em-cli export --help

    Usage: em-cli build [options]

    build a unit

      -i --incremental                        build without cleaning (default: false)
      -l --load                               load after build (default: false)
      -C --config-default <config-init...>    override default values for config params
      -D --define-property <property-def...>  define global bundle properties
      -S --setup-properties <setup-name>      add definitions '<setup-name>'
      -u --unit <qualified-name>              <package-name>/<unit-name>
      -h, --help                              display help for command

em-cli grammar

      [~/em-sdk] em-cli grammar --help

    Usage: em-cli grammar [options]

    generate syntax diagrams

      -o, --out <dir>  output directory (default: ".")
      -h, --help       display help for command

em-cli markdown

      [~/em-sdk] em-cli markdown --help

    Usage: em-cli markdown [options]

    generate markdown for a bundle

      -o, --out <dir>                     output directory (default: ".")
      -S --setup-properties <setup-name>  add definitions '<setup-name>'
      -h, --help                          display help for command

em-cli sdk

      [~/em-sdk] em-cli sdk --help

    Usage: em-cli sdk [options]

    manage em-sdk artifacts

      -i, --install <dir>  package artifact directory
      -l, --list           list SDK components (default: false)
      -t, --timestamp      timestamped SDK version (default: false)
      -u, --uninstall      uninstall SDK components (default: false)
      -h, --help           display help for command

em-cli setups

      [~/em-sdk] em-cli setups --help

    Usage: em-cli setups [options]

    list all setups in the workspace

      -h, --help  display help for command

em-cli show

      [~/em-sdk] em-cli show --help

    Usage: em-cli show [options]

    show bundle information

      -h, --help  display help for command